Monday, April 28, 2014

Chapter 13 Summary

In Chapter 13, Eric lets the initiates know that tomorrow will be the end of the first stage of training. As the initiates walk into the training area they see a table with knives on it and a target at one of the ends of the room.The initiates are taught proper knife throwing by Four, who is very accurate with his throws. Tris' friend Al is the last initiate who has not hit the target. Eric starts to get on Al for being so inaccurate with his knife throwing and wants Al to retrieve a poorly thrown knife while the others are still trying to hit the target. Al shows fear and does not want to retrieve it with knives still flying. Eric orders Four to have Al stand in front of the target and have Four throw knives all around his head. Tris can't stand to watch this and speaks up out of turn to anger Eric. Eric orders Tris to take his place and she does despite some nerves. The third and final knife thrown from Four just nicks Tris in the ear to cause some bleeding, but she has proven that she can face fear head on and saved her friend from possible embarrassment.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Character Bio: Tris

Tris is a sixteen year old girl who has a very loving family. Her family includes her father, mother, and brother Caleb who is also sixteen. Tris' family lives in the Erudite faction which is known for it's selflessness. When it comes to her testing day, she does something rare during the simulation that has responses that correlate to multiple factions. The person administering the simulation tells her that she is Divergent, but that she is going to report her results as Erudite. After a long night of thinking before the choosing ceremony, Tris decides to join the faction Dauntless. Once in Dauntless, the initiates go through an intense training regimen which includes a ranking system after each phase of training. The Dauntless leaders make cuts from the initiates and they will live factionless and be looked down upon by society. Tris performs well throughout the training, makes friends with the other initiates, and starts a romance with one of the training leaders Four. Tris ends up making it into the Dauntless faction and helps fight Jeanine's plans to overthrow the government.